World Kindness Day 2020!
Lord knows we need this more than ever right now – every. single. day.
To give you some inspo on intentional acts you can do to make someone’s day today – I’m re-sharing my Intentional Acts of Kindness from my birthday in 2019!

I’ve definitely never celebrated my half birthday, but I do have something that I wanted to share with y’all from my actual birthday – 6 months ago in March!
For my birthday this year, I chose to do 33 Intentional Acts of Kindness.
I have always loved surprising someone and making someone happy unexpectedly.
There are all kinds of fun lists on Pinterest for 30 or 31 random acts of kindness to do for others in a month (several of them are themed for Thanksgiving too)! The first time I came across a list like that on Pinterest with the 30 ideas/acts on it, I had the thought that I wanted to do this for my 30th birthday! But for one reason or another, I haven’t been able to –
…until this year!
..but let me first tell you about last year.
I’m sure some of you have seen posts on social media with the hashtag #100happydays. Maybe even used it yourself? It is supposed to be a challenge to celebrate & post about something that makes you happy every day.
Not a bad idea right?!
Focusing on positive!
So I thought why not?! I’ll try that instead of the intentional acts of kindness. and y’all.. let me tell you…
Last March (2018) was not a happy month.
I believe 100% the devil was attacking my life because I was seeking happiness. It seemed he was trying to TAKE and/or DESTROY any happiness.
After a lot of thought and reflection about last year, I knew I definitely did not want to do a repeat of last year. So I went back to my original idea of intentional acts of kindness.
I was having so much fun coming up with and completing each act. Then one day, it hit me how different this March was from last March. I realized something huge – the difference in the two.
Last year, I was only looking out for happiness or waiting for it to happen/come to me.
This year: I was working to CREATE HAPPINESS.
The difference was amazing!
To me, the reason the difference was so great was because when I’m making others happy,
it makes me happy!
I had such a great birthday month and it made my heart and soul so happy to constantly seeking out ways to make others happy. I can’t wait for March to roll back around to do it again!
I wanted to share with you the 33 things I did throughout my birthday month and I hope it inspires you to try one or do a whole month yourself!
My 33 Intentional Acts of Kindness:
1. Write note/send card to loved one (family member)
2. Write note/send card to loved one (grandmother)
3. Write note/send card to loved one (family member)
4. Surprise friend by paying bill/tab
5. Pay for someone’s gas
6. Doughnuts to post office workers
7. Starbucks gift card to banker
8. Bouquet of flowers for wedding dress shop owners (for National Dress Day!)
9. Bouquet of flowers for wedding dress shop owners (for National Dress Day!)
10. Bouquet of flowers for wedding dress shop owners (for National Dress Day!)
11. Bouquet of flowers from local business (to support them during loss) to someone to cheer someone else up too!
11. Bouquet of flowers from local business (to support them during loss) to someone to cheer someone else up too!
13. Leave quarters to pay for someone’s car wash (Tri-Cities)
14. Leave quarters to pay for someone’s car wash (Knoxville)
15. Target gift card to cashier
16. Left money with to-go attendant at Corner16 to pay towards someone’s take out dinner
17. 33 handwritten (or typed) reasons why I love someone special
18. Bouquet of flowers to surprise an out of town friend who experienced a loss
19. Walgreens gift card to cashier
20. plus another one for a guest or anyone else they felt needed it
21. Kroger gift card to cashier
22. plus another one for a guest or anyone else they felt needed it
23. Venmo’d money to friend for coffee
24. Sent Starbucks gift card to friend
25. Surprised unknown couple by pre-paying for their move tickets
26. Paid for car behind me at Starbucks drive thru
27. Wrote note of encouragement to co-worker
28. Wrote thank you card plus a Chick-fil-A gift card to mailman
29. Intentional phone free night with significant other (or friend!).
30. Leave server unexpected extra tip
31. Food for homeless
32. Give someone gift card for random good deed
33. Share about 3 random people on Instagram as encouragement or just to make them smile
I tried to be creative and really tried to not repeat one, but unfortunately I had to repeat a few.
I’ll plan better next time!

Remember: being kind is free!
Smiling at someone, holding the door, helping someone pick up something they dropped…
“We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone.” – Ronald Reagan
Some lessons I learned from this:
Don’t wait for things to come to you.
Make things happen.
Create those moments.
Give of yourself.
Be kind.
You’ll be glad you did & you’ll reap the happiness of making someone else’s day.
Shop these cute KINDNESS tees and sweatshirts from Target!
Check out my Insta stories highlights titled “Kindness” (pt 1 & 2!) to see the acts of kindness in action!
I’d love to meet you/interact with you too!
Follow along on Instagram or Facebook:
Instagram: @thebrookeallison
Facebook: Brooke Allison
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