Hi!! I'm so glad you are here! I'm guessing you're wondering who I am... and that's probably why you've clicked on the "about me"! I'll do my best to give you an idea!
- I love two kinds of hills/heels: Tennessee hills & high heels
- I can never get tired of pizza, ginger ale or anything mint chocolate.
- I wish I could have a $1 (or even a dime) for all the times I've been "shhhhh"d in my life (I can be a little loud)
- I'm a sucker for a good love story (of course this includes Disney & fairy tales)
- If I'm meeting you - I'll probably be late
- If I have to dress up, I'm in!
- I live for a plan. I can be spontaneous - but can we make a plan after we've chosen to do something spontaneous? 🤔🤣
- If we're ever gonna be in the car together, you will get a totally *free* concert - by me! Disclaimer: music genre not guaranteed to stay consistent and can range from Broadway musicals to Eminem.
- Traveling is important to me because it not only allows you to see and experience new things but to also imagine the history (whether recent or distant) that unfolded in that place.
- And last but not least, Jesus. I pray about EVERYTHING & 1 Peter 3:15 is one of the most important verses in the Bible to me. ❤
That's me in a nutshell but you'll learn even more if you decide to follow along with me and all I have to share with you!
Let me tell ya one of the biggest things though - I've always been a little behind in some areas...
I was an athlete and major tomboy growing up so learning makeup and style was wayyyy delayed. My own mother was the one who pushed me to start wearing a little makeup in 8th grade!
Being homeschooled for most of my school years (3rd-12th), I never had to develop a daily routine for style and getting ready. And that has taken me YEARS to figure out in my adult life!
Fast forward to now and being a blogger & influencer is the PRIME example! While a lot of people were being regularly inspired by so many amazing & talented influencers (and had been for several years) - I didn't follow the first fashion blogger or influencer until October 2018! I had no idea this even existed outside of the fitness world! Even though, funny enough, I had had the thought that I *wished* it did several years ago. Read more on that story and my introduction to the blogging and influencing world HERE!
I'm 1000% still evolving and learning especially in beauty and daily style.
But I've learned to embrace it! It's NEVER too late to learn anything!
If I can share things I've learned along the way and save some of you that are following along with me the trouble of learning things the hard way - it will thrill my heart and make it all worth it!
Just for fun - here's a few other things about me:
- I have two irrational fears: balloons & whales and one rational: heights.
- I have a lazy eye. A huge scar on my right knee from a bicycle wreck plus a sliding-into-home softball incident years later.
- I'm a shortie - 5'2 with ginormous feet: size 10.
- My momma is a hairstylist so I'm super picky and careful with my hair - and yep it's all real!
- I'm a sucker for a good quote, a song with a fun beat, and muscle cars (thanks to my daddy for 2 out of those 3).
- I have a full time job - I love numbers and analytics so I put my creativity to work there. I have my own business as a wedding planner too! (If you're getting married and feeling lost - you need to DM me!)
- The fashion world has my heart with couture but also runway. I even walked the runway in my first show in 2019!
- Friends the TV show and Wizard of Oz will NEVER get old.
- Slowly drinking my morning coffee is something I look forward to Every. Single. Day.
- Laughter is the best medicine ❤
If you love who I am and what I share, the best way to support me (other than continuing to support me!) is to share me with your friends like you would your favorite restaurant, store or product!
Other ways are to like, comment and share my blog and social media posts!
I know it seems so small but it is huge!
If you want to learn more about me - just follow along!
Drop me your email for regular updates at the bottom of the page!